The Study of Dependablity between Angiogenesis Factor and the Diagnose of Placenta Percreta Infiltration by MSCT in Advanced Stage Colorectal Cancer 进展期大肠癌MSCT浆膜层浸润与血管生长因子的相关性研究
The Value of the Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Placenta Previa with Placenta Accreta/ increta/ percreta; 彩超产前诊断前置胎盘并发胎盘植入的价值(附228例前置胎盘病例分析)
Color Doppler ultrasonography could enhance the detective rate of these complications, such as placenta percreta, vasa previa, pregnant bleeding, which can help physicians manage these emergencies in prenatal, birth and postnatal period. 彩色多普勒可以提高对其并发症如胎盘植入、出血、血管前置等的诊断率,有助于临床医师产前、产时的及时处理。
Temporary balloon occlusion of the common iliac artery: New approach to bleeding control during cesarean hysterectomy for placenta percreta 暂时性髂总动脉球囊闭塞:在因胎盘植入行剖宫产子宫切除中控制出血的新方法
A case report of placenta percreta with spontaneous rupture of intact uterus in the tertiary trimester 晚孕穿透性胎盘植入致子宫破裂1例
Placenta percreta with infiltration of the pelvic wall and urinary bladder-An obstetrical emergency 产科急诊植入胎盘浸润骨盆壁及膀胱1例
Objective: To determine the operative methods through vagina for the pregnant women with central placenta previa percreta and continual or recurrent and massive vaginal bleeding during the second trimester. 目的:探讨持续或反复大量阴道流血的孕中期中央性胎盘前置状态的阴道手术方法。
Objective: Discuss the clinic character and perinatal period disposal of placenta previa with placenta adhesion, accreta, increta and percreta. 目的:探讨前置胎盘及前置胎盘并发胎盘粘连或植入的临床特点及围生期处理;